So we are now into the second full week of 2014. Chances are you probably made a resolution or two to be a better person somehow. Some people choose to lose weight and other choose to spend less on frivolous things like retros and more on worthwhile things like shoes that were made after 2010.
(If you have to know, I made a resolution to make fun of the #JDF less this year but so far, I’ve been failing miserably at that. It’s just too easy sometimes, really…)
But there are resolutions out there that all sneakerheads can make in 2014 that are pretty easy to keep. In fact, if we all tied our kicks together in a form of solidarity to achieve these resolutions, the sneaker world would be full of happy people who have a genuinely love of sneakers and there would be less resentful sad sacks who can’t get over missing out on the hyped drop of the weekend.
So to get your 2014 off to a great start, here are 10 Steps To Becoming A Better Sneakerhead In 2014. Will any of you actually read this and follow it? Of course not! I’m willing to bet that there will be more than one comment below that is mad because a sneaker blog had the nerve to tell them how to live. It’s one of the sure things in the sneaker world, right alongside the #JDF losing their minds when somebody dares to have a negative opinion about an OG 1-14 pair (dammit, can’t stop). So let’s start there…
10. It Is Ok To Not Like Retro Jordans (Or Any Hyped Sneaker)
Ask yourself this question: Do you work for Jordan Brand?
If the answer is “yes”, then you should like every pair of retros because they pay your bills (also if you’re reading this and you work for Jordan Brand, please lead the movement to bring back the black/gold Jumpman Pro because my OG pair is hanging on for dear life). But if you don’t work for them and don’t have any business connection with Nike, then you are free to have a good, bad or indifferent opinion on these retros. The same goes for all of these collabs that Asics and New Balance get involved in or whatever Crazy____ adidas is working up at the moment. It is ok to love loving things, but be strong enough to take a stand when you see something that is appalling to your senses (like the Air Jordan 13s).
Read the rest of 10 Steps To Becoming A Better Sneakerhead In 2014 (1,223 words)
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